This is a non-accredited (formational) module which addresses some practical aspects of ordained ministry and life. There are no assignments or assessments, but students are free to write a reflection on their learning in this module and submit that direct to the module leader (Marcus Throup) at the end of term, if they wish.

Each week an expert in the field will join you to give their perspective on a given topic outlined in the sections below. The external speakers on this module comprise a Diocesan Registrar and former Bishop's Chaplain, an Archdeacon, a Diocesan Communications Officer and Church Times journalist, the Director of Faith and Public Life for the Church of England, and a serving incumbent with local and overseas experience.

1.       Notions of Canon Law (with particular reference to the Occasional Offices);

2.       Notions of Clergy Life and Conduct (1) (rights, responsibilities, HR procedures, contracting diocese etc. what the CDM process is);

3.       Notions of Clergy Life and Conduct (2) (digital media, social media presence, public profile); 

4.       Notions of Church Structure (Province/Diocese/NCIs/ Synods); 

5.       Notions of Church Leadership & Conflict Management (running a local church or churches).

It is not anticipated that there will be much pre-reading or material for these sessions but please check prior to each lecture as in some cases there will be a small amount of preparatory reading or work to do. Some sessions will touch on areas that will be picked up in more depth in your IME2 programmes post-ordination but are good for you to be aware of now. Others will address professional aspects of ordained ministry providing a bit of a 'heads-up' in this run up towards ordination and curacy. 

If you have any questions or doubts about the module, please ask the module leader, Marcus Throup.

Academic Year: *2023/24